What is an Orthopaedic Surgeon?
An orthopaedic surgeon is a specialist medical doctor who specialises in the treatment of the musculoskeletal system – for example, bones, joints, muscles, tendons and ligaments.
An orthopaedic surgeon is a highly trained medical professional who treats fractures, dislocations, arthritis and joint pain.
What is the cost of a consultation?
The standard fee charged is based around the Australian Medical Association recommended fee. This means that in most instances there will be a portion of your consultation fee rebated by Medicare.
What is the cost of surgery?
If an operation has been recommended to you, our staff will be able to provide you with a cost estimate for your surgery. This can be a confusing area and we will help you with understanding the costs involved with your surgery. We can also give you a hand with such things as your paperwork, hospital admissions and medical fund rebate.
In general, the costs of an operation includes fees from:
- your surgeon
- the surgical assistant
- the anaesthetist
- the hospital.
If you are privately insured, it’s important that you contact your health fund to confirm the amount of the operation that they will cover.
Our staff are fully informed about charges and rebates and will be able to help you navigate your way through this complex area.
What if I don’t have private insurance?
You don’t need to have private health insurance to be treated in a private hospital. You can choose to ‘self insure’. This means that you will pay the full bill for the surgical, anaesthetic and hospital costs and claim only a rebate from Medicare (if applicable).
Our staff can provide you a quote for the ‘self insured’ cost of surgery, including your surgical costs and hospital costs.
How much will I receive from my private health insurance fund?
It depends on what operation you are having, your private health fund and level of cover.
Our staff will provide you with a quote with ‘item numbers’ for the surgery. You should ring your private health insurance fund with these numbers to find out how much your private health insurance fund will give back to you.
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