Australian anaesthetists have world class training in anaesthesia, pain control, resuscitation, intensive care and managing medical emergencies, so there is no safer place in the world to have an anaesthetic than in Australia. Our team of anaesthetists are highly trained and take pride in offering the highest standard of compassionate patient care.
Our Anaesthetists
Dr Chong Tan
Dr Sam Duncan
Dr Ben Towell
Dr Peter Effeney
Office Staff
My aim is for you to experience as little pain and discomfort as possible during and after the procedure. I will be conducting a pre-anaesthetic consultation prior to your surgery. At that time there will be an opportunity to discuss any matters of concern. However, if there is anything you would like to discuss with me before you arrive at hospital, please feel free to contact me at If you wish to speak to me by phone, please leave your contact number in your email and I will contact you as soon as I am available.
Fees for Anaesthetic Services
The fee for your anaesthetic is billed separately and is in addition to A/Professor Tran’s fees and any hospital charges.
Patients with Private Health Insurance
Health insurance has become a very complex process. Depending upon the operation, the insurer and level of cover, “out of pocket” expenses can vary along with the way fees are processed. Where the health fund allows, I am happy to direct bill your fund and minimise your out of pocket expense. Where the health fund does not allow, my office will bill you directly and after your procedure, issue you with a receipt which you may be able to claim some part of from Medicare and your private health fund.
Patients without Private Health Insurance
Patients without private medical insurance are required to prepay the total fee no later than five business days prior to their procedure.
Payment can be made by credit card (Visa, MasterCard or Amex) over the phone at (03) …………… or in person by cash or credit card at the …………………………………
Obtaining a Fee Estimate
In order to determine what your potential expense might be, you can use one of the options below to obtain an estimate. This will also allow me to provide you with important information about the anaesthesia for your procedure.
- Contact me on (03) ………………….
- Email my rooms at the address below and they will send you a quote by return email.